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Video Testimonial Transcripts

Bill & Helen Bahlman Testimonial

Bill Bahlman:

We have been thinking about doing something with our driveway, either getting a completely new driveway, or what could we do to improve the driveway? Because it was really in bad shape. The original black top had laid there for probably 28?

Helen Bahlman:

More than 27 years.

Bill Bahlman:

More than 27 years. Yeah. So it looked like fractured glass. Okay, it was really deteriorating. And in church one day, in church one day I met Brian and talking to him and he said that he worked for Erickson, for Dan, for Erickson's Asphalt. I said, "Okay, that sounds great." I said, "Why don't you come out and talk to me, let's discuss this and see what our options are and everything. And see what we can work out." He came out, we discussed it, said what exactly, what could be done and gave me a price. We talked about it. And so we went for it.

Bill Bahlman:

I have not had anyone that is in the business, professional business, come out and do the driveway, sealcoat or whatever. I had been doing it myself. It would look good for a couple of months. And then every time it rain or the weather ... it would just, it was back to the way it was. So, I knew I was going to have to do a major overhaul of the driveway.

Helen Bahlman:

I was here the day they did the driveway. They were quick, efficient and did a fabulous job. After it was all over I went out, I looked, it was as though we had a brand new driveway.

Bill Bahlman:

Because I was really impressed with the amount of material that they put on the driveway. It wasn't just a little black wash, or whatever. It was a lot of material and it covered up everything that needed to be covered up.

Helen Bahlman:

I would recommend Erickson's Asphalt Services because of their integrity. They say they're going to do a job, they tell you ... they bid the job, how much the job is going to cost, what they're going to do. And then they deliver. And that is ... that says it all.

West Oaks Townhome Association Testimonial

Bill Huff:

My name is Bill Huff. I'm the President of the Association for West Oaks Townhomes. Our driveways were very pale colored and the stones were starting to come loose and you could just tell that they needed resurfaced. They'd never been redone since the place was new, and that was in 2005.

Bill Huff:

I choice Erickson Asphalt Services because I've done business with them before. I trusted them. They came out and talked to me and told me what they would do and gave me a good background and what was going to happen, and I found that their customer service was better than other people's. Whenever I would call them or contact them, they would get back to me right away and they were very polite. I would definitely recommend Erickson Asphalt Services to any other associations.
